Medieval Costume Location Photo Opportunity

Christopher Peet is running a Medieval Costume Photoshoot with 6 Towns Photographic Club. This is a TF shoot. 

Photographers will pay just £10 towards costume hire. Your Place MUST Be Pre-booked.
This shoot is open to 6Towns Photographic Club members and non members but places are limited. 
Photographers and Models need to book in advance. Costumes available for male and female models.
Location is on Shropshire / Staffordshire border and will be emailed to you prior to the shoot date.

To book email with your full contact details.

Payment will be collected prior to the shoot. Please pay at the next Network NIght or on a Wednesday Club evening. Other arrangements can be made if this is not suitable.
If you are not known to the club please let us know which club you belong to or your FB or PP portfolio.


Examples of previous Christopher Peet's Medieval Photoshoots - Norse Dragon Armoury Props and Costumes.