6T Courtyard Studio Network Nights TF


Entrance to 6T Courtyard Studio TF Network Night is now by ticket.
Booking in advance is essential for us to control numbers.
To register your interest please email via the Contact Us page.

Models & Make-up Artists Free Entrance. Photographers - £5 for members non members £7.50 entrance on the door,
Here are some recent images from the Network Night Events.This is a TF event - :
Photographers - You agree to Share and credit your images with the model and credit Courtyard Studio or 6Towns photographic Club.
Models - You agree to credit your photographer and credit Courtyard Studio or 6Towns photographic Club when using and posting your images.
By attending our events you agree to the above and for us to use the images for our publicity.
More on Credit Images and TF here.  PDF for more information on TF and crediting your images..