Saxophonist Playing Live

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This Wednesday 25th May is a Live Studio Photoshoot.
A Live studio performance by professional saxophonist Rob Paramore. Doors open at 7pm for 7:30

Rob will be with us on Wednesday evening where we hope to create a number of different photo styles with changes of clothes, lighting and backdrops.

 We will attempt high and low key lighting. Bob is pondering different lighting techniques, if you have any ideas please let me have them. Bob is also charging up his smoke machine so that we can attempt a smoky Chicago Blues Jazz club theme.

Rob will also bring with him at least three saxophones which we can photograph; baritone, tenor and alto. I am sure that the reflections will provide something of a challenge.

Your best edited images please back to me within 2 weeks please so that I can pass to Rob for his time and effort.

This is a standard fee evening, members £2 non-members welcome £3. Non members are welcome as our guests to 2 events before joining.