Guest Speaker - Martin James

morphing experiments

Martin James will share some of his award winning AV presentations with us.

Join us on Wednesday 1st June to take an insight into the huge numbers of images that are painstakingly edited to create his sequences. Martin will also show how he achieves the morphing of one character into the next with dramatic and sometimes hilarious effect.

I am sure that everyone visiting this site will be familiar with viewing images on a screen or in print. We are all familiar with cine or video film too, but the world of AV presentations opens up a whole world of adding your own expression and interpretation to displaying and sharing your individual images into a moving sequence with sound.  

AV can help you to tell a story with greater emphasis than video footage, it can be created using the images from your own camera, without the need for specialist equipment, it can be a sequence that is generated from old achieve images and most importantly the results can be so much more than a glance through the family album.

Join Martin James on the evening of 1st June at the 6 Towns Photographic Club when he will share his award winning AV presentations, provide an insight into the huge numbers of images that are painstakingly edited to create his sequences and he will explain the techniques used to create these powerful presentations.

Martin will also show how he achieves the morphing of one character into the next with dramatic and sometimes hilarious effect.

One of Martins AV presentations was the only one from the UK to be featured The Italian Film Festival last year.

For a taste of martins AV presentation created from hundreds of individual images, take a look at the videos here.
You will need sound turned on.

Kickass Weston Park 1st Nov 2015 from Martin James on Vimeo.


T-Lapse One from Martin James on Vimeo.