Richard Howle show Prince Charles around his gallery

6 Towns Photographic Club member shows Prince Charles around his Gallery


I am sure that you would like to join me in congratulating Richard Howle member at the 6 Towns Photographic Club for the royal visitor to view his gallery this week.

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales visited the Middleport Pottery on Tuesday this week to open the Prince of Wales Studio. Richard has an exhibition of his images at Middleport ‘Stoke on Trent and beyond… Captured through the lens of Richard Howle’ and had the privilege of showing Prince Charles around his work. Richard said “I was delighted to show Prince Charles around my gallery. He is a true gentleman and he was complimentary about my photography.”

Take a look at the exhibition at ST6 3PE, open 10am to 4pm daily, visit Richard’s gallery on the 6 Towns Photographic Club website or his own site