Competition Rules

Submission of images for competition.
To Enter PDI Digital images upload here... PhotoEntry

Our Competition Secretary is Derek Wood

Both Prints and Digital Images can be submitted to our competitions unless otherwise stated.
For most competitions members can enter up to 3 digital and 3 print images. 
Deadline for submission is noon on the Sunday prior to the competition for all competitions unless otherwise stated.

Images are entered via the club's website, go to Resources at the bottom of the page. If you do not have a Login Account for PhotoEntry please contact the Competition Secretary Contact us... in advance.

Image Specifications For Competitions
To enter your Projected Digital Images - PDi files are to be submitted as JPG file format in high quality.
Images can be up to a maximum 3500 x 1800 pixels. So image size must be no greater than a width of 3500 pixels and a height if 1800 pixels, whichever is the greater. You may find Wayne's explanation about resizing helpful. more... 

Submit images in sRGB colour space.
Images should be renamed with the Title of the Image.

To enter your Printed Images
Images should be mounted.
The back of the mount MUST show the title of the print, the author’s name and indicate the Top of the image.
Also mark the Running Order number if provided.

The maximum size of the mounts should be 50cm x 40cm Note that this size should also be the normal size for submission.
The minimum size of images is 12.5cm x 17.5cm or 220sq cm.

If you are entering a Print image into a competition you must now ALSO ENTER a PDi copy in the same way as the Projected Digital Images described above. There is a folder for Print images per competition.

Deadline for submission is noon on the Sunday prior to any competition.
Please arrive early if you are bringing prints on the night of the competition.

Previously submitted or similar images cannot be re-entered. Watermarked images will be disqualified. 
Our Competition Secretary, reserves the right to not allow an image to be submitted without providing a reason.
By entering competitions with us members accept that their images may be published to the club website and other media without further reference and without watermark.

Participation in competitions is restricted to fully paid up current members only.